I have mentioned the word "adaptability" many times in my article. After the bitcoin price plunged to around 58,200 at midnight, it basically took a gradual upward trajectory in the morning and afternoon, and the current highest rebound reached 61,566; Ethereum also rebounded upward synchronously with the bitcoin price, reaching a maximum of 3,393. The only difference is that the saw-saw amplitude is a little larger. After a brief analysis of the market structure in the morning, we also made some changes to our thinking. In the morning, we gave a long position in bitcoin and Ethereum, seized the rebound of this wave of market, and each took 980+35 points to leave the market. This wave of transformation is very critical. Although I often say that we can't catch every wave of market, we must rush towards this goal. If we don't have this ideal, what's the point of doing it?

From the current market, we can see that the market has clearly tested the support below, and the rebound after bottoming out is still strong; from the hourly level, after the unilateral interaction, the market is currently facing a clear correction demand, and the Bollinger Bands have further compressed the space for the market to operate, and the trend should not be too large in the short term. From a large cycle perspective, the market's rebound sentiment needs further development. To put it bluntly, this is also a dog pile playing with human nature. He will not kill you with one stick. What he wants to do is to slowly nibble away and take it step by step; leaving these aside, Silk Road can still be laid out around Duo in the afternoon.

Bitcoin: 60900-60400, more, see 62000

Ether: 3360-3340, more, see 3400

#美联储何时降息? #MicroStrategy增持BTC #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $BNB