After a short-term ∧-shaped trajectory in the morning, Bitcoin has been gradually rising all the way, and it has easily broken through 57,000. The current intraday high has rebounded to 57,744; the trajectory of Ethereum is basically the same as Bitcoin, and the current high has reached 3,088. It seems that the bulls' rebound recovery sentiment has further deepened, but the ∧-shaped retracement in the morning was also successfully seized, and Bitcoin's short position took 600 points of space; so timing is really important, coincidences exist, but it is impossible to be so coincidental every time. The way of the master is to wait for the right time and follow the trend.

Looking at the entire market from midnight to now, the market is generally a gradual upward trend. From the four-hour level, it has now risen to the middle and upper tracks of the Bollinger Bands. The highest point has reached around 57,700, which also shows that the bulls are launching a counterattack towards the 58,000 line. At present, the opening of the Bollinger Bands is gradually closing, and the pressure from above is obviously strong. The bulls need to accumulate strength to break through the upward position. In the afternoon and evening, we are still optimistic about the short-term retracement after pressure, and the thinking is still around the empty.

Cake: 57,300-57,700 empty, look at 56,300

Ether: 3075-3100 empty, look at 3010

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