All of it is too late, but it is just in time. Yesterday, the volatility of the big cake and Ethereum market was large. Midnight was mainly a narrow range of long and short tug-of-war. In yesterday's layout, it also successfully won 600+42 points of space. The layout based on the midnight low-multiple thinking has a small profit in hand. Continue to watch the follow-up development and make additional arrangements according to the situation.

At present, the daily level has closed positive for two days. Although the K-line is not particularly healthy, the trend of the bulls is not particularly obvious, but overall, the strength of the bulls in the short term is still greater than that of the bears. From the small level, it can be seen that there is a continuous test of the 58,000 line at midnight, and the Bollinger band opens upward. In the short term, it is still 🉑 upward, and the layout is still based on the low-multiple thinking in the morning and afternoon.

Bitcoin: 57500-57200 long, looking at 58500

Ether: 3035-3015 long, looking at 3100#BTC下跌分析 #美联储何时降息? #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $BNB