#TNSR $TNSR TNSR today's market analysis is as follows:

TNSR today's market is like a magnificent painting, showing a strong bullish momentum at the 1-hour, 2-hour and even 4-hour levels.

What is particularly striking is that at the 4-hour level today, the key point of competition between the bulls and bears is just around 0.5883, like an unresolved chess piece.

If the market direction suddenly changes and the price starts to go down, then the support levels of 0.5768, 0.5506, and 0.5290 will be like a solid fortress, providing short-term shelter for the price.

If the market picks up and the price rebounds strongly, the pressure levels of 0.6277, 0.6631, and 0.6970 will be like insurmountable mountains, waiting for the challenge of the price.

In the battlefield of short-term trading, every decision is related to the gains and losses of funds. Therefore, we must always remain alert to the comparison of long and short forces, just like groping forward in the dark, carefully looking for that ray of light.

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