#FLOKI $FLOKI FLOKI's in-depth analysis of the day's market:

Today's FLOKI market trend clearly points to the short side, whether it is 1 hour, 2 hours or 4 hours, it shows a short trend.

Of particular concern is the long-short critical point near 0.00017368 on the 4-hour level, which will be the key to today's market.

If the market continues to move downward, investors need to pay attention to the support levels below: first 0.00016297, then 0.00015844, and finally 0.00015230. If the price falls below these support levels, be alert to the risk of further market decline.

However, the market is always full of variables. In the rebound market, be sure to pay attention to the upper pressure levels: 0.00017752, 0.00018172 and 0.00018528. These points will be the resistance for the bulls to try to counterattack.

It is recommended that short-term traders remain highly vigilant, pay close attention to market dynamics, and flexibly adjust trading strategies to capture the best trading opportunities in fluctuations.

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