[2024.6.25 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

Yesterday, the market was in a panic due to the Mentougou BTC repayment incident. At the same time, the German government sold 50,000 bitcoins, and the whale arbitrage of 1.2 billion US dollars in two weeks! The successive negative news and selling pressure caused Bitcoin to fall continuously, with a daily decline of more than 5%, and the overall market of the crypto market was sluggish.

Yesterday, it fell for a day, and Mr. Zhang’s second-layer spot order of 5.7w has not been put on the bus. The spot bought on 611 yesterday is still there, and it is still profitable. Even if the spot is bought, it will not panic. I firmly believe that the big cake will rise sooner or later. But it’s miserable to open a contract. The big cake directly inserted to around 582 in the early morning and then began to rebound. The brothers with heavy positions may wake up without changing the price and the position is gone!

The big cake ether rebounded. If the cottage rises, remember to reduce the position. Don’t think that the rebound will bring back a little confidence. Today is a rebound after touching the bottom. The big cake daily line will only end this wave of decline when it stands above 64,000. Otherwise, don’t be happy too early!

Today's trend analysis:

$BTC If the 60500 that I pushed for the speech in the early morning can't hold up, it will continue to fall. It broke through the second support I gave in the middle of the night and started to rebound. Pay attention to the 60300 position today. As long as it does not fall below this position, the small level is rebounding. Pay attention to the upper pressure level/target near 61830-63300-64330.

If it falls below 60300 today, the small-level rebound fails and the market turns empty. Pay attention to the lower support level near 59250-58200#BTC走勢分析

$ETH If the 3260 that I pushed for the speech in the early morning can't hold up, it will continue to fall. It almost broke through the first support in the middle of the night and started to rebound. Ethereum is relatively strong compared to Bitcoin, and it is currently rebounding at the 4-hour level.

Pay attention to the position of 3375 today. As long as it stands above this position, the 4-level rebound will start to rise at the 1/2 hour level. The upper pressure level/target should be around 3428-3458-3491.

If it fails to stand above 3375 today, the 4-level rebound will fail. If it falls back, pay attention to the lower support level around 3338-3284-3212. #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥