[2024.7.4 BTC/ETH intraday market analysis]

Bitcoin and Ethereum are heading south, falling continuously. When I woke up, I almost thought that the little girl last night secretly transferred my assets away. If it continues to fall like this, I will become a prostitute. In ancient times, Han Xin suffered humiliation under his crotch and achieved hegemony. Today, Zhang Laoshi goes to the sea to become a prostitute and make money to store Bitcoin!

Yesterday and the day before yesterday, the market analysis talked about the failure of the daily rebound and the market turned short. Brothers who are shorting, raise your hands. Last night's market analysis talked about that if Bitcoin rebounds and fails to stand at 60,600, it will continue to fall. In the morning, it directly fell below the support level of 58,200 and began to rebound. Ethereum's rebound does not stand at 3,325, which means that the air force is relatively strong and it will continue to fall. It fell to 3,172 in the morning and then began to rebound. The direction is given to everyone. You don’t need me to teach you how to open an order!

Today's market analysis:

$BTC weekly line callback, other levels are on the short side, today's rebound will first look at 59140-59520-59890-60550. Today, only when it stands above 59520 for 1 hour will it start to rebound. The rebound target/pressure level is the above positions. Today, only when it stands above 61160 will this wave of decline end. Otherwise, all the rises are just rebounds. You can enter the market short near the pressure level!

If the rebound does not go up today, pay attention to the support level below 58500-57855-56610! #BTC走勢分析

$ETH Weekly callback, other levels are on the short side, today's rebound will first look at the positions around 3245-3280-3320. Today, only when it stands above 3245 for 1 hour will it start to rebound. The rebound target/pressure level is the upper positions. Today, only when it stands above 3320 will this wave of decline end. Otherwise, all the rises are just rebounds. You can enter the market short near the pressure level!

If the rebound does not go up today, pay attention to the support level below 3207-3172-3115! #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥

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