In the early morning, Bitcoin continued to fall and hit the 60,000 integer support. This is the key range mentioned in our market today. It is important whether the 60,000 integer can stimulate buying volume. If there is still little buying volume here, it means that the buying power of the market is still weak.

Bitcoin's 15-minute line touched the 60,000 integer twice. Although it triggered a buy order rebound, the frequency of touching 60,000 was too fast, and the rebound was not obvious enough. At present, it is difficult to hold 60,000.

If it falls below 60,000, the support range below will focus on the 57,000-58,000 range. I personally think this is a short-term limit of Bitcoin's short-term correction cycle. As for whether this position can stop the decline, we still have to look at the actual situation.

Although the macro convenient game this week is Friday's PCE data, although the market still has optimistic expectations for two interest rate cuts in 2024, and although there is an ETF narrative for ETH on July 2, the actual situation in the market shows that the sentiment is still in a serious recession.

Please note that the points mentioned in my article are not applicable to contract transactions. If you make a contract based on my point of view, you will be responsible for your own profits and losses, and I will not accept rights protection.

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