According to Odaily, a Bitcoin address that had been dormant for 13 years was recently activated. The address holds 48 Bitcoins, which is equivalent to 2,745,229 US dollars. The activation of the address was detected by Whale Alert, a live tracker that monitors and reports on large and unusual cryptocurrency transactions.

The activation of such a long-dormant Bitcoin address is a rare occurrence in the cryptocurrency world. It is not yet clear why the address was activated after such a long period of inactivity. The identity of the owner of the Bitcoin address is also unknown.

The value of Bitcoin has significantly increased over the past 13 years, making the 48 Bitcoins held in the address worth a substantial amount of money. The activation of the address could potentially have an impact on the Bitcoin market, although the exact effects are yet to be seen.

This event underscores the unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency market and the potential for significant changes to occur at any time. It also highlights the importance of monitoring tools like Whale Alert in tracking these changes and providing valuable information to investors and other market participants.