
People: The daily level has been short for half a month. Pay attention: around the price of 0.08830. As long as it is below this position, the general direction is still short.

The purple dot that appeared at 12:00 noon today on the 4-hour level is the short buy signal. You don’t have to keep an eye on it. If you keep an eye on it, you will have an 11% profit.

But it doesn’t matter. As long as it does not break the 4-hour long and short price of 0.08530, when the purple dot appears and closes, then your entry point has arrived.

Target position: around 0.08069-0.07801-0.075543 positions

Stop loss before high: 0.08857#people🔥🔥 e #PEOPLEUSDT .24-hour trading strategy e#美国PCE数据将公布 $BTC $ETH #MicroStrategy增持BTC $PEOPLE