ADA is currently in a daily correction trend. The appearance of the purple dot indicates that the market may continue to fall further.

Please pay special attention to the key price of 0.3929. If this price fails to be effectively broken, the daily market will remain under the control of the bears. #德国政府转移比特币

At this time, it is recommended to switch to the 4-hour chart and wait for the reappearance of the bear signal (i.e. the purple dot).

As long as the 4-hour long-short dividing point of 0.4033 is not broken by the upward force, we should maintain a bearish stance and wait for the next purple dot to appear as the best time to enter the market for short selling. #ASI代币合并计划

At the same time, we should also pay attention to the support area below, including key price levels such as 0.3971, 0.3853 and 0.3749.

If the market can successfully stand above the price of 0.4033, it may indicate the strengthening of bullish power. At this time, you should consider switching strategies and go to the 1-hour chart to look for short signals (which appear in the form of yellow dots).

On the top, we need to pay attention to several important pressure points, which are around 0.4098, 0.4168 and 0.4227#ADAUSDT #ADA.每日智能策略 $ADA $BTC $ETH