
TRX market analysis:

TRX market has shown a long trend at the daily level, and the market vane points to the bulls.

Day price: Pay attention to 0.11726096. If the price stabilizes near or above this price, the long trend will continue. #trx

Buy signal for long orders: When the yellow dot signal appears at the 4-hour level and successfully closes above the price of 0.11968148, the opportunity to enter the long position will appear. #TRX.24小时交易策略

Pay attention to the pressure levels of 0.12005061 and 0.12053853.

If the TRX price breaks the 4-hour long and short price, the short-selling opportunity will appear #TRX孙哥又会不会妥协?

At this time, the support levels of 0.11917033 and 0.11836731 will become the focus of the bears. $TRB $BTC $ETH