
In the 1-hour level of ZRO, a yellow dot appeared at 10:00 this morning, which is a signal for long orders. #美国5月核心PCE物价指数年率增幅创2021年3月以来新低

As long as today's price can maintain above the key position of 2.566, we expect the market to continue to fluctuate upward. #ZRO智能策略库🥇🥇

Wait for the next yellow dot to appear, close it, and go long, with target prices: 2.644-2.695, -2.749.

If the market can successfully reach these target levels, investors are expected to achieve a maximum profit of 6.9%.

However, in order to control risks, we recommend setting a stop loss point near the previous low of 2.469. #IntroToCopytrading

In this way, even if the market changes unfavorably, investors' losses can be controlled to a certain extent. $ZRO $ETH $BTC