#币安合约锦标赛 #币安HODLer空投 #新币挖矿

Looking back at the new coins that were recently launched, such as IO, ZK, LISTA, ZRO, etc., they have basically all fallen into the shit, and none of them are spared. An Ge summarized it and thinks that it is probably caused by these reasons:

1. The impact of the overall environment. ETFs will be open for trading next month, and it is expected that around July 2, some retail investors with funds will basically leave some positions for ETH, and the dog dealer will certainly not let too many people take this ride, so the wash will be more severe, otherwise the car will be too heavy and it will not rise in the later stage.

2. Excessive selling pressure. Early mining, airdrops, primary markets, etc. This is what new coins must experience. When the chips are almost recovered, they will start to take off.

In fact, the price of new coins is so low that it is very painful for the dog dealer to dump the market. The higher the price, the more valuable the dog dealer's coins are. Therefore, An Ge always recommends spot trading for new coins. There is no forced liquidation. Buying spot trading is for its future development, not for the current income.