#今日市场观点 #热门话题

In recent years, I have seen many male friends around me who married by chasing and licking girls. Once their income dropped or they even lost their jobs due to special reasons, the women would directly file for divorce and run away, or they would run away even if they did not divorce. Even if they had children and the children were not big, they would still divorce. They basically wanted to find a man with better economic conditions or who did not reduce their economic income. They basically thought of looking for a tool. If the old tool had problems, they would just replace it with a new and better one.

At the same time, those friends who went to get married in both directions basically carried it together after marriage, and now they have basically recovered their previous income level.

I believe that everyone has such things around them, but they have not paid attention to it or thought about it, but they probably began to realize that something is wrong in their subconscious. That is, those who are together by chasing and licking, and their married life will probably fall apart if there is a little disturbance. It is boring, really boring, it is better to be alone.

As for the two-way run, in fact, there is really no need to chase, just three things, one is to constantly improve yourself, two is to expand your social circle, three is to go with the flow. When you meet someone, you will naturally run towards them. If you don't meet someone, you don't want to chase them casually, because the women you lick will eventually just treat you as a tool, and then spend your whole life or a limited marriage comparing you with richer older brothers, and then because you can still make money to support her, they will always dislike you but not divorce, and once the income is not good in the future, they will run away and find someone else.