The most core and worrying issue now is:

No one knows what direction the core narrative of the Crypto industry will go in the future.

At present, BTC ETF has been passed, and the launch of ETH ETF is only a matter of time. The Crypto industry has taken a big step towards the goal of being accepted by the mainstream financial industry.

The pattern of ETH restaking has basically stabilized. Although BTC restaking has just started, it feels that there are not many innovative tricks.

At the application level, the Gamefi/NFT narrative is dead, and the entry threshold of DeFi is too high. SocialFi is the only track with more imagination and growth space by virtue of the growth of Ton and Farcaster ecology, but the current user experience, ecological applications, and the amount of funds and users that can be carried are still relatively lacking, and the risk of compliance is also a major obstacle on the road to growth.

So, with many favorable expectations already in place, what is the next narrative in the Crypto industry that can bring about large-scale explosive growth in the industry?
