BlackRock, the world's largest ETF provider, is about to launch the Solana spot ETF application process. Does this mean that Solana is about to usher in a big rise?

1: BlackRock is the world's largest ETF provider, with an asset management scale of up to 2.8 trillion US dollars in the US stock market. Its influence is self-evident. The launch of the Solana spot ETF application process by BlackRock this time has undoubtedly injected strong momentum into Solana's future development.

2: As a dark horse in the blockchain field, Solana has attracted much attention in recent years. Its high performance and low latency characteristics enable it to perform well in DeFi, NFT and other fields. The launch of the spot ETF will further facilitate investors to participate in the Solana ecosystem and drive its price up.

3: The hype of Bitcoin spot ETF has already set a new high for BTC before halving, and the launch of Ethereum ETF has also driven the soaring of Ethereum. If Solana can also enjoy such a hype effect, then the altcoins of the Sol ecosystem are also expected to usher in a glimmer of hope.

Do you think Solana spot ETF is promising?

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