In the cryptocurrency circle, only by keeping a clear mind and deep cognition can we avoid the vortex of losses.

The following points are the rules that must be remembered in the cryptocurrency circle:

1. Play contracts carefully and cherish the principal: For newcomers, getting involved in contract trading is like stepping into an unknown minefield. Excessive risk may lead to the loss of principal, and when the opportunity really comes, it is no longer possible to grasp it.

2. Know when to stop and stop when you are ahead: In the cryptocurrency circle, whether it is spot or contract, we need to keep a cool head and not be driven by greed. When the income reaches the expected level, stop decisively to avoid greed.

3. Be wary of traps and choose a formal platform: There is no shortage of various trusts and frauds in the cryptocurrency circle. Investors must keep their eyes open when choosing an exchange and choose a formal and reputable platform for trading. At the same time, they should search and ask more to ensure the safety of their investment.

4. Insight into the market and be patient: Investing in the cryptocurrency circle is a game that is about insight and endurance. We need to keep a clear mind at all times, understand market trends, and maintain enough patience to wait for the best time to enter the market.

5. Understand the dealer's flexible response: In the currency circle, the dealer is an important factor affecting the market trend. We need to learn to understand the dealer's card strategy and respond flexibly to market changes. When the dealer has finished absorbing funds and is ready to withdraw funds, we need to evacuate in time; when the dealer continues to push up, we also need to remain vigilant to avoid being cut.

6. Avoid weekends and trade cautiously: In the currency circle, weekends are often a period of relatively calm market, and dealer funds are often not on the plate.

Recognize the risks of new coins and beware of cutting leeks: New coins are often accompanied by huge hype and bubbles when they are listed or listed on exchanges. Recognize the risks of new coins and be wary of dealers using new coins to cut leeks.

If you are interested in the currency circle, but don't know how to start, you might as well follow my homepage and discuss the mysteries and future possibilities of the currency circle with me. You can find me by clicking on the avatar introduction! ! #美联储何时降息?