Beware! Beware!

Is Bitcoin likely to surge?

If Bitcoin does not break tomorrow, it will have a round of super surge like Ethereum!

This Bitcoin is an approximate value converted from Ethereum. I am mainly doing Ethereum now, so the data of Ethereum will be more accurate. The data of Bitcoin is converted. Because some friends will ask about Bitcoin, the fluctuation of Bitcoin may be larger, and there will be a little deviation.

Then why is it said that if the position of 3386 to 3456 does not break, there will be a surge?

As mentioned in the previous article, Ethereum has fallen back to the area of ​​concentrated buying orders during the previous surge, and it is obvious that there are signs of a slight drop below the previous low to sweep the long orders and stop losses, so this position is very sensitive. If it does not break, the bottom line of the rising channel will be established, and the next round of structural surge will be!

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