$BTC $ETH 0080262314#Whenis the right time to buy? First of all, you must understand that for any currency, don't dream of buying at the lowest point. One method is the banker's thinking, which is anti-human operation. Ask yourself, assuming that in the current situation, the market has no fluctuations, no one is shouting "go, go, go", and no one is shouting "a violent bull market", do you dare to buy? If you don't dare, then I tell you that you can enter the market, at least part of the position should be entered. At present, except for mainstream coins, it can be said that more than 90% of the cottages are not as high as last year.

There are 2 reasons. First of all, there is no bull market, and the way the banker pulls and smashes the market is different. In addition, there are indeed too many coins in this bull market, which makes retail investors a little headache. As a result, meme coins have become the best choice, but one thing to know is that their market value is generally very high, and to be honest, the benefits are not proportional to the risks. Another point is that the Federal Reserve is not releasing a lot of money now, and the funds in the circle are limited, mainly concentrated in mainstream currencies. If the amount of funds is large, then to be honest, Ethereum, Binance, and Bitcoin, if you can hold it for a year, you should still buy these. If the amount of funds is small, then layout the second layer, artificial intelligence, major leaders, and the inscription leader ordi.

But remember one thing, I strongly oppose contracts. If you have to play, please remember to try to close the position when the market is crazy. You can't grasp it. The loss of bull market contracts is much greater than that of bear market because the market fluctuates too much.