$BTC $ETH $BNB Recently, some b things have appeared in the square. They either comment that reading my articles can improve your cognition or post something in the comment circle that Musk invested in something, and then post a local dog. I don’t know how many newcomers bought those local dogs and got trapped. What I can say is that it is definitely a loss. I can only say that I will find a relatively high position to sell meat quickly, because the final result will be zero.

Let me give you a simple analogy. Take the sol chain, which is the most powerful local dog recently. Do you think you can make a fortune by just buying a local dog and waiting for hundreds or thousands of times? In fact, there are only a few local dogs that can really rise among the billions of local dogs. To be honest, it is better for you to buy lottery tickets. And even if you really buy it, you can rest assured that the dealer will buy it at the opening. When you enter, the multiples are not much, and you can’t hold it during the process of pulling and smashing. To be honest, ordinary people who don’t have internal channels should honestly look for some potential coins or mainstream coins on Binance and ambush at low prices. Remember the low prices, not the ones that suddenly skyrocket or rise by more than ten times in a period of time. The most important thing is not to play contracts and think that your winning rate is quite high. You can make some money in the beginning. Don’t worry. When you are bold and make big moves, no matter how many times you win, a big pin will make you lose everything.