An AI stack, short for artificial intelligence stack, is a collection of technologies, tools, and frameworks used to develop, deploy, and maintain AI applications. It can be understood as a layered structure, with each layer playing a crucial role in the AI development process.


โ€ข Generative AI stack is a type of AI stack that includes tools for building applications that can generate creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, letters, etc.

โ€ข Neura is a blockchain-based platform that offers AI startups access to decentralized resources like GPU processing power, data storage, and funding through Initial Model Offerings (IMOs).

โ€ข Neura utilizes a decentralized GPU marketplace to eliminate the bottleneck of expensive and scarce GPUs typically needed for AI training.

โ€ข ANKR token is the heart of Neura's ecosystem, serving as the universal currency for accessing resources and participating in the platform.


๐Ÿ”† Types Of AI Stackย 

โ€ข Generative AI stack ( Application Based )

โ€ข Machine Learning AI Stackย 

We are here talking about Generative AI stackย 

โšก Generative AI stackย 

Generative AI stack is combination of many sub category elements suchย 

โ€ข Programming Languageย 

โ€ข Model Providersย 

โ€ข LLM Frameworksย 

โ€ข DataBase

โ€ข Monitoring Tools

โ€ข Deploying Solutionsย 

Each one is very important for the final output. We saw many Decentralised solutions for these. Neura is one of those.ย 

๐Ÿ“€ What is Neura?

Neura is a blockchain for AI startups it offers access to decentralized GPU resources, crypto-based crowdfunding and on-chain AI operations. Neura is designed to enable companies to deploy, train and operate AI models on-chain.

๐Ÿ”ผ Why Neura AI stack is so importantย 

Neuraโ€™s decentralized GPU marketplace is a game-changer. It offers AI developers affordable, on-demand compute resources, eliminating the traditional bottlenecks of GPU scarcity and high costs.

With Neura, AI startups can scale their operations without the constraints of resource availability. The platformโ€™s on-demand GPUs, decentralized data storage, and node infrastructure ensure that AI models can be trained, deployed, and operated with unprecedented efficiency.

๐Ÿต๏ธ How Neura Works ?ย 

Neura utilizes off-chain decentralized storage solutions such as EigenLayer, Celestia, Arweave, and IPFS. This approach ensures both efficient and secure data storage, while the blockchain maintains data integrity.

Decentralized GPU Marketplace

Provides access to on-demand computing resources, eliminating the bottleneck of expensive and scarce GPUs typically needed for AI training.

Initial Model Offerings (IMOs)

Initial Model Offerings empower projects to crowdsource capital raising with tokens, representing shared ownership.

Fractionalized Ownership.

Democratize ownership by allowing users to support AI projects with ERC-404 tokens.

Revenue Sharing.

Automatically share profits from AI usage with contributors and investors using ERC-7641 tokens.

๐Ÿ’ก Ankr's Role in Neura

$ANKR @Ankr token is the heart of Neuraโ€™s ecosystem, serving as the universal currency for accessing GPU resources, participating in IMOs, & acquiring AI services. Moreover, it incentivizes GPU providers & rewards AI developers, nurturing an ecosystem of innovation & expansion.ย 

๐Ÿšจ Important Links & Resourcesย 

> Private Testnetย  -

> Faucet -

> Whitepaper -


Crypto AI space is getting crowded and solutions like these are going to be gamechanger. Neura will play a significant role in nourishing new Decentralised AI projects.ย 


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