US lawmakers urge Biden to humanitarian release of detained Binance executive amid serious health issues

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Nigerian authorities' detention of Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan has attracted great international attention.

US lawmakers and industry leaders have increasingly focused on the executive's condition and urged his immediate release.

Representatives' visit reveals shocking details about Gambaryan's health and conditions of incarceration.

US lawmakers strongly demand Gambaryan's release As Binance executives face deteriorating prison conditions in Nigerian prisons, US lawmakers demand action, highlighting tensions between Binance and Nigerian authorities.

Representatives Hill and Hoolahan reported during their visit that Gambaryan suffers from serious health problems, including malaria and double pneumonia.

Gambaryan fainted in court due to malaria, further fueling concerns about his health.

Representatives' visit to the prison painted a distressing picture. Gambaryan's health is deteriorating, he has lost a lot of weight, and lacks proper medical care.

Intervention and diplomatic influence

Gambarian’s experience has united many in the U.S. Congress, who have called for humanitarian action. Lawmakers believe that the charges against him are part of a broader strategy to coerce Binance, rather than based on solid legal grounds.

The calls for Tigran Gambayan’s release reflect broader tensions between regulators and the cryptocurrency industry. The case is a key example of how geopolitical factors are intertwined with corporate operations in the digital currency space. U.S. lawmakers and industry leaders continue to urge Gambayan’s release, emphasizing the importance of diplomatic efforts in resolving high-stakes international disputes such as this. As both sides deal with this complex legal and humanitarian issue, further

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