For the original concept of Bitcoin, decentralized cryptocurrency, the most eye-catching thing is decentralization.

In fact, in decentralized transactions, perhaps no exchange is more beneficial to more people! !

Cryptocurrency came out too late, only more than ten years ago, and it has not yet been fully recognized by the public. Compared with other long-standing and mature encryption systems, virtual currency is as immature as a baby, and the fluctuations are also terrifying.

In the stock market, a 5% fluctuation is a big fluctuation, and in the currency circle, even BTC with the highest market value has a daily fluctuation of more than 5%, not to mention the various fake coins blown up by monsters and demons! !

If you add leverage and play contracts, let alone, ups and downs, every major adjustment is the wail of the market, and a large number of warehouses are blown up!

Many people like to gamble, and the threshold of virtual currency is extremely low. Why are there so many 10U war gods? It is because the threshold of this thing is too low.

However, most people who enter this thing will end up losing all their money. Because most people who have tasted the quick way of making money in contracts will find it difficult to resist the temptation. Contracts often follow the principle of "making money is just a process, and liquidation is the destination".

Dao Ge'an is an early evangelist in the cryptocurrency circle, and the second batch of people who made money in the cryptocurrency circle also became professional traders.

But as He Yi and Yi Jie said, the model has changed. It is difficult for ordinary people to participate in the primary market and get rich by mining as before.

And now, although a large number of institutions have participated, it is beneficial to the entire market, but it is more difficult for the decentralized concept and retail investors. There are all kinds of smoke bombs. What you see is what the institutions want you to see. The sky of the cryptocurrency circle has traders! !

So, if you don't have an exchange, like most large capital investors, choose a good target, participate on the chain, and wait even for a few months or a year.

Because the exchange trades repeatedly, I found a problem that many fans are very anxious to trade. They take spot goods, enter the market in the last hour, and the next hour does not rise, so they cut their losses directly.

Ups and downs, the final result is that the more you cut, the less!

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