Why is it said that a rate cut is imminent and a bull market will follow?

Today is June 22nd. Why do I firmly believe that a rate cut is coming and will trigger a bull market? Don't be fooled by those so-called "big Vs". They often use complex concepts to mislead everyone, with the purpose of charging fees to cut leeks. In fact, the logic of the currency circle is very simple: big funds buy, prices rise; big funds sell, prices fall.

To make a profit by investing in cryptocurrencies, you must first look at the macro economy. Rate cuts are commonly known as "flooding". So why does a US dollar rate cut lead to a crazy rise in the currency circle?

1. The seesaw effect of commodity and stock prices: when one end rises, the other will fall.

2. The consequences of a US dollar rate cut:

Commodity prices in flooding countries rise.

Funds flow into developing countries.

Stock markets in flooding countries fall.

This is contrary to the analysis of many "big Vs" because they don't actually understand economic principles.

3. The impact of a US dollar rate hike: rate hikes will lead to crises in economies related to the US dollar, unstable exchange rates in these countries, appreciation of the US dollar, and global funds pouring into the United States. The United States distributes these funds to Wall Street giants through Treasury bonds, and they then invest in U.S. stocks. The opposite is true when interest rates are cut.

4. The biggest risk of a dollar interest rate cut: funds may flow out of the United States.

5. The way the United States deals with risks: reduce financial risks by exporting force abroad. Every time the interest rate is cut, the United States often takes military action internationally, as was the case in the past five Middle East wars.

If you understand the above five questions, you will understand why I said at the beginning that a rate cut is imminent and a bull market is coming! $BTC