Guiding principles for screening new currencies:

1. Low market value is preferred: the circulating market value and total market value should be low, especially for public chains and dapp protocols. Low market value means greater room for growth to avoid project parties from shipping and profiting too early.

2. Track potential is large: the selected track should have a high ceiling and great valuation potential. Refer to successful projects, such as ETH and SOL for public chains, and uni and aave for dapps.

3. New narrative and value: prefer projects with new narratives and solving practical problems. Long-term value discovery is better than short-term speculation, and pay attention to hot spots such as AI GPU computing power and secure public chains.

4. The concealment of black horse coins: 100x black horse coins are often hidden in areas that are not paid attention to by the public. Avoid high-opening or normal valuation coins that are known to the entire network.

5. Liquidity challenges of early coins: Early 100x coins often have poor liquidity, mostly in small exchanges or chains. Crossing these thresholds is the only way to discover value.

6. Time to launch and market cycle: The best time to launch a token is at the end of the bull market or the beginning of the market. The launch and wash time is 6-12 months, and the circulation rate is high.

7. Affordable unit price: Low unit price and more zeros after the decimal point are more likely to attract investors, especially in a bull market, low-priced coins are more popular with novices.

8. Priority for public chains and head protocols: Public chains and head protocols on public chains have the most potential to make money because of their long life cycle and continuous ecological development.

9. Team and institutional endorsement: The founder, team background, investment institutions and financing amount must be reliable, and the participation of well-known teams and institutions increases the credibility of the project.

10. Avoid value investment traps: Do not participate in projects that violate the logic of value investment, such as deflation, etc. These projects are often extremely risky.

11. Old coins with new narratives can be considered: If old coins have a very strong new narrative and are in line with the current market hotspots, you can consider participating, such as old coins involving A1. Yuanyumu and other fields.

12. Priority for track leaders: In the selected track, priority is given to leading projects, which usually have stronger ecological influence and value potential.

Those who like contracts or spot can come to tease me. After the market fell sharply, some potential coins that are ready to explode were also ambushed.

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