
K-line pattern:

The recent K-line shows large price fluctuations, with multiple long lower shadows, such as 01:00 on June 22 and 21:00 on June 21, indicating that there is buying support at low levels.

From 19:00 on June 20 to 17:00 on June 21, there was a long entity with continuous rise, and then from 18:00 on June 21 to 07:00 on June 22, it turned into a fluctuating downward trend.

Technical indicators:

MACD indicator: The latest MACD value is positive (137.5), but DIF is negative and DEA is declining, suggesting that there may be downward pressure in the short term.

KDJ indicator: The J value (73.15) is higher than K (65.24) and D (61.28), which may indicate overbought conditions, and we need to be alert to the risk of callbacks.

EMA indicator: The current price (64065.0) is slightly lower than EMA (7) (64058.3) and much lower than EMA (30) (64297.2), indicating that the medium-term trend is bearish.

Trading volume:

The trading volume gradually decreased after reaching a peak at 23:00 on June 21, which is consistent with the price trend, reflecting the weakening of the upward momentum.

The trading volume has been stable in recent hours, with no obvious increase or decrease, and the market participation is stable.

Short-term advice: mainly low and long $BTC