Pantera Capital announced that it has raised capital for its second investment in TON.#TheBlockreports.

Key points from The Block article:

- Pantera Capital doubled down on its bet on the#TONtoken shortly after making its largest investment in the token ever earlier this year.

- A venture capital firm is currently raising money for a new fund to invest more in the TON token.

Let us recall that earlier in May it was reported that the Pantera Capital fund made “the largest investment in its history” in TON. Which then supported the#TONCOINcourse quite well. The amount was not announced at the time, but it was assumed that it was about $250 million. Parties are asked to indicate their interest in this opportunity via the form by June 21 to ensure funds are allocated to the fund.

TONCOIN did not perk up on this news this time. Today's technical analysis on it is valid.