Looking back at the trend of Bitcoin in recent days, is there anything wrong with it? Although it is not a unilateral decline, the continuous decline in the market has explained everything. Bitcoin has gradually fallen from above 65,000 at midnight. Although there was a local rebound during the period, the low point finally reached around 63,300. The decline of nearly 2,000 points is an irreversible fact. The trend of Ethereum during the day was slightly off, especially after noon, when the long and short positions jumped back and forth repeatedly, but the strength was not out of the ordinary. As long as the entry point is not too extreme, it is profitable. A total of five short orders for Bitcoin and Ethereum were issued during the day, and all of them finally made profits and exited unscathed. The profit space totaled 2,322 + 85 points. It was indeed a bumper day; the friends who followed were also happy, and I also gained a sense of accomplishment. To sum up, there is no problem in controlling the general direction. Combined with the details of the market, it is a natural thing to take the force. I advise everyone not to be a giant in thought and a dwarf in action. It doesn't matter if you cheat others, but don't cover your ears and steal the bell.

Regarding the current market, let's look at the big cycle first. At the daily level, a big negative column directly pressed down hard. The market fell to this point and the upper shadow line we talked about after the morning daily line closed negatively was too long. The bullish rebound was sluggish. The slow erosion of airdrops is an inevitable phenomenon. Time is to verify everything. The most real thing; it also responds to the old saying that people teach people a hundred words, but things teach people once. From the four-hour level, after the market has gone out of the continuous negative pattern, the big cake gave a wave of considerable rebound in the evening. The upper and lower leads hedged each other and the market was temporarily in shock, but boll continued to open downward, and there was no sign of turning around. The 64,000 mark has been effectively broken during the day, so I believe it will not take too long to break below 63,000 points. Given that tomorrow and the next two days are weekends, the market is likely to correct sideways, but it does not affect our continued decline at the moment. Midnight Silk Road will still remain open.

Bitcoin: 63700-64200 short, see 62800

Ethereum: 3485-3510 short, see 3430