Recent adjustment trend of Bitcoin market

Bitcoin price failed to break through the 62500 pressure area and started a downward adjustment. On the hourly chart, Bitcoin has formed a connected downward trend line. In the short term, the first pressure level above is 61300, and the important pressure level is still 62500; this pattern shows that Bitcoin price may face upward challenges at the current stage. The continuous decline without obvious signs in the market is slightly different from the market structure, and it has been breaking down continuously. At present, Bitcoin has been inserted to around 59500. The retracement of the market is relatively large. At present, the 60000 mark is still firmly defended. The rapid insertion breakthrough is also a normal way of moving in the downward trend market.

At present, the small cycle level is also constantly testing the defensive strength of the support level below. If the subsequent downward movement fails to effectively break the 60,000 mark, and the second short-term support can be placed at the 59,500 line; then the rebound space after bottoming out should also be good. After the rebound, we can pay attention to the stabilization of the 61,000 area. Although the small-level K-line chart continues to close below, there is still a long way to go for the Duotou counterattack. #非农就业数据即将公布 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安合约锦标赛 $BTC $ETH $BNB