BTC/ETH market trend analysis

BTC reached the expected resistance position high point of 66500 yesterday, and rebounded and rushed up during the day. After encountering resistance, the market retreated, and the retreat point happened to be the support point range line, but when the daily line closed, this line was not recovered, so the closing line on the daily line was not very good. It is expected that the change time will be on the 22nd, which is the day after tomorrow. Today's support point has been stable, so look at the strength of support during the day, and then look at the market recovery and repair of yesterday's daily shadow line. ETH did not reach the resistance position range yesterday, nor did it touch the resistance position. Following the big cake, it retreated to the support position range. Today, the same is true for the day. Look at the strength of support first and then look at the repair of yesterday's upper shadow line, so today's day can see a rebound repair

BTC just reached the resistance position and retreated to the support at the four-hour level. It is clear that it is consolidating at the four-hour support position. Today, the support position is around 64500, which is also the support range given yesterday, so look at the strength of this support today. If it is not strong If it is, just prevent the pin at 64000. At the four-hour level, the repair market is expected to go out of the repair channel in the evening. The upper resistance position line is 65500-66000. The resistance level of the daily line can focus on the 67000-67500 range. The upper shadow line of the daily line yesterday is repaired during the day.

ETH follows the decline support of the big cake at the four-hour level. When the big cake touched the resistance and stepped back to the support yesterday, the two cakes simultaneously stepped back to the support position near 3480. The market was not very strong at this stage. The intraday support position depends on the strength of the support in the 3480-3520 range. If it falls back and breaks 3480, it is necessary to prevent the pin from the 3440-3460 range. The strength of the support rebounds and repairs the upper shadow line yesterday. The current trend is expected to rebound and repair the market in the evening or afternoon. The resistance position line looks at the small level of the 3580-3600 range in the four-hour level. The daily resistance position remains unchanged: the 3660-3720 range line

In terms of cottages, the performance continues to follow the trend of ETH: ENS LDO public chain FTM and PHB rebound

For more latest analysis, pay attention to #ENSUSDT #BTC走势分析 $LDO $FTM in May