The reason behind the recent market crash

The market has fallen in recent days. According to the on-chain data, Country D is selling the Bitcoin they hold. Some people say that the market has plummeted because of this. First of all, the on-chain data will not lie. Country D is indeed selling Bitcoin.

However, as of now, the total amount of Bitcoin sold by Country D is about 200 million US dollars. This amount cannot cause a large fluctuation in the price of Bitcoin. The reason for the market decline cannot be attributed to Country D selling coins.

So what does Country D's selling of Bitcoin mean? Does it mean that the bull market will end early? Or does it mean that Country D is not optimistic about Bitcoin? In fact, Country D's selling of coins does not mean anything.

In this decline, the price factor of Bitcoin is only secondary. No matter how much the price of Bitcoin is, Country D will sell it. It has already made this decision.

Of course, there are also dissenting voices among the people of Country D. For example, a member of the D-country parliament publicly stated on social media that Country D's selling of Bitcoin is short-sighted. They should learn from the United States and regard Bitcoin as a national strategic reserve and should not sell it.

In any case, Country D holds a total of about 40,000 bitcoins, which are worth about 2.5 billion US dollars. In short, even if Country D sells all of the 2.5 billion in July, the impact on the Bitcoin market is limited. The market decline has its own logic. We don’t have to care about a specific reason. For friends who have not yet entered the market, now is actually a good time to enter the market.

Coin circle celebrity Sun Yuchen expressed his willingness to negotiate with the D government to purchase BTC held by D off-site to alleviate the impact of the sell-off on the market. No matter what Brother Sun said, I still say that we should cherish every decline. We can doubt Brother Sun’s character, but we must not doubt his vision.

If we have to give a reason, the coin circle is like this. Once there is such news, many people will panic, but give up their chips. This is a speculative behavior and short-sighted.

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