#BTC☀ GM, let's first pay attention to the shape of the big cake. At present, it is in a downward channel, and the overall situation is weak and relatively complicated. So what we have to do is to simplify and strip out the signals: - Pressure signal: the red pressure trend line, which failed to break through again last night. It is very likely to be tested again today. If it breaks through effectively and stands firm, I will turn the market to bullish and look forward to the weekend cottage season - The first support level: the support area near 64500, which has been tested for 2 consecutive times. If it is not broken, it will most likely fluctuate between 64500 and the red pressure line - If the support level is lost, then the bottom below I will first see the bat pattern near 62000. This script is my favorite. If there are signs of stabilization after it is in place, I will consider deploying oversold high-quality cottages again