According to Odaily, Victor Ji, the co-founder of Manta Network, has expressed his dissatisfaction with the Polkadot ecosystem. This comes in response to the controversial news about Polkadot Treasury's expenditure of $87 million in six months. Ji, who was once a part of the Polkadot ecosystem, has voiced his concerns about the toxicity of the ecosystem and its lack of real value to Web3.

He stated that the ecosystem does not focus on users or adoption rates. As a busy Asian founder, Ji also mentioned the discrimination he and other Asian founders have experienced within this ecosystem. He expressed that they no longer wish to engage with the Polkadot ecosystem and its team due to these issues.

This criticism from a former participant in the Polkadot ecosystem raises questions about its inclusivity and value proposition. It also highlights the challenges faced by founders, particularly those from Asia, within the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry.