PEPE Has 80% Profitable Holders: DOGE & BTC Comparison

On-chain data suggests 80% of Pepe holders are profitable. Compare Dogecoin, Bitcoin, and other prominent currencies.

IntoTheBlock, a market intelligence company, posted a graphic on X showing the proportion of holders of the biggest cryptocurrencies with a net unrealized profit.

The analytics company estimated these percentages using on-chain data. Each address on a network's transaction history may show how much and at what price it acquired coins, allowing for an average cost basis.

Naturally, addresses or holders with a cost basis below the spot price are green. They would help blockchain holders in profit metrics.

The graphic produced by IntoTheBlock indicates how this measure is now hunting for sector assets:

Bitcoin (BTC) has the best profitability ratio among leading currencies, with over 89% of holders making profits. On this list, Ethereum (ETH), the second biggest cryptocurrency by market cap, has almost 83% green addresses.

The spread between these two is small, and the analytics group believes Ethereum spot ETFs might propel the asset to new highs.

Tron (TRX), the third cryptocurrency, was profitable for 82% of investors. Two memecoins round up the top 5, although none are Dogecoin (DOGE), the first and biggest meme-based currency.

Two memecoins, Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI), have 80% and 77% holders above water, respectively. DOGE ranks later at 75%.

This indication data suggests that large-caps and memecoins are profitable, while other altcoins await breakthroughs, according to IntoTheBlock.

How do bitcoin holders in profit matter? Gaining investors sell coins more often. As holders profit, mass selloffs become increasingly likely.

As the fraction of green addresses rises, adjustments become more likely. In this perspective, top cryptocurrencies with lesser profitability, like Dogecoin or Pepe, may have more space to go before hitting a wall than Bitcoin.