🔍 A new report from Chainalysis shows that crypto crime investigations are becoming more complex and require more resources. This highlights the important role of government investigative agencies in the fight against cryptocrime and the need to improve staffing and technology in this area.

🌍 The majority of respondents from Latin America and Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA) are optimistic about the place of cryptocurrency in financial markets, while respondents from the Asia-Pacific region (APAC) are more skeptical.

💰 More than 50% of survey participants consider cryptocurrency to be a legitimate form of currency, with the EMEA region having the highest rate at 72.4%.

👥 However, the majority of respondents believe that cryptocurrency is mainly used by criminals, especially in the APAC region, where this opinion is shared by 67.7% of respondents.

📣 What are your thoughts? Let's discuss in the comments!