A little experience of my personal experience in the cryptocurrency circle

1. For promising projects, according to personal ability, heavy positions, all-in, and profit.

2. Avoid frequent position changes. Password messages are flying everywhere. You must have your own ideas. Too many types of positions will disperse funds, consume energy, and the gains will not outweigh the losses.

3. Reduce or clear positions when market sentiment is the hottest, and gradually increase positions when market sentiment is the hottest.

4. Don't be discouraged, don't be anxious, be a little bit mean, and survive well. The cryptocurrency circle will never lack miracles. It doesn't matter if you lose 10,000 opportunities, just grab one!

5. Be diligent and learn! It is an indispensable top quality in any field! Especially in the cryptocurrency circle, it will be quickly and intuitively converted into your actual wealth.

6. Keep enough money for living expenses, and convert the rest into big and small kings (BTC, ETH). These two are the reason why you play in the cryptocurrency circle.

Finally, a joke: Bulls come, brainless all-in to get rich, careful analysis to return to poverty, and technical discussions to zero. Bears are coming, lying flat and standing up, black silk tender model game, wandering wild face-to-face meeting.

In the currency circle, if you don’t know how to operate and are still confused, welcome to follow and check the introduction! This round of bull market will explode more hundred-fold coins, and then I will announce the next hundred-fold potential coin among 10,000 fans! It’s better to grasp it than to guess blindly!