In-depth analysis of DOGE's market today

Today's DOGE market shows different trend characteristics at multiple time levels. In the detailed 1-hour level analysis, we can see that the market is firmly in the hands of the bulls, showing strong upward momentum in the short term. However, at the slightly longer 2-hour and 4-hour levels, the market gave a yellow signal warning, suggesting potential uncertainty and possible callback risks.

Today's focus is undoubtedly on the 4-hour level of the long-short watershed of 0.12271. This price will be the key to determining the future direction of the market. If the price can successfully stand firm and break through this price, then DOGE's upward trend will continue; conversely, if it falls below this price, it may trigger a further correction in the market.

While paying attention to the long-short watershed, we cannot ignore the support level below. At present, there are three key support levels below, namely 0.12215, 0.12131 and 0.11769. These prices will provide a certain degree of support for the market and slow down the possible decline.

If the market rebounds, investors need to pay close attention to the upper pressure levels, including 0.12468, 0.12661 and 0.12863. If DOGE fails to successfully break through these pressure levels, the market rebound will be unsustainable, and the market may continue to maintain a short-term trend.

In terms of operation, it is recommended that investors keep a short-term watch on the market and pay real-time attention to the changes in the long and short forces of the market so as to make the right decisions at critical moments.

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