
SATS market interpretation:

From the daily level, SATS has been falling for almost half a month. At present, the yellow dot, which is a long buy signal, has finally appeared at the 4-hour level, indicating that the market will continue to rise.

Brothers who are eager to make long orders, wait for the yellow dot to close before we can enter the long position near the next green dot.

Target: around 0.0001747-0.0001862,

Stop loss before low: 0.0001503

Or we can also go to the 1-hour level to find a long buy point. The disk shows that at 8 o'clock this morning, a long buy signal, that is, a yellow dot, appeared. Unfortunately, I didn't keep an eye on it. If I had kept an eye on it, I would have made a profit of almost 3%. #sats,很明显, #sats目前95%的概率稳赚的方法,就是这两个是联动的,而且老鼠必先拉盘,他拉完后才是sats

When will the yellow dot reappear and close? Then this is your entry point #SATS.每日智能策略 #币安HODLer空投 $1000SATS $BTC