Analysis of BONK's market today

Bullish and bearish trend judgment:

At the 1/2 hour level, the BONK price trend is determined to be bearish, showing short-term downward pressure.

At the 4-hour level, a yellow signal appeared, which may usually indicate a certain change in market sentiment or a specific state of technical indicators. Today's focus is on the position near the long-short watershed of 0.000021261 at the 4-hour level.

Key price analysis:

Support level:

Primary support level: 0.000021097, if the price continues to fall, this position may provide short-term support.

Minor support level: 0.000020684, if the price falls below the primary support level, this position will become the next possible support point.

Triple support level: 0.000020324, which is the key support level when the price falls further.

Pressure level:

Primary pressure level: 0.000021843, if the price rebounds, this position may face selling pressure.

Secondary pressure level: 0.000022616. If the price breaks through the primary pressure level, this position will become the next possible resistance point.

Triple pressure level: 0.000022977 is an important pressure level when the price rises further.

Operation suggestions:

Short-term monitoring: In view of the current interweaving of long and short forces, especially when the yellow signal appears at the 4-hour level, it is recommended that investors conduct short-term monitoring operations and pay attention to the changes in long and short forces in real time.

Pay attention to the long-short watershed: Pay close attention to the position near the long-short watershed of 0.000021261 at the 4-hour level. The breakthrough of this position may indicate a change in the price trend.

Risk control: If the market rebound does not break the three prices of 0.000021843, 0.000022616, and 0.000022977, the market may continue to go short. When trading, investors must pay attention to risk control and set stop loss points reasonably according to their own risk tolerance and investment goals.

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