On Tuesday, Bitcoin's early morning operation ideas and Lao Gu Shipan's summary!

Looking back at the market trend on Monday, the market continued to weaken after the early morning surge. The idea was to short at 66700. The trend was still in line with expectations, but it fell sharply in the morning, which exceeded expectations, causing us to lose 600 points in long orders. However, after the decline, it rebounded. We accurately took long at 64600 and closed more than 1000 points. In the evening, the idea was adjusted to 65600 to prompt shorting. The lowest price fell to around 64200, and more than 600 points were gained during the session.

The intraday market trend was a chronic negative decline accompanied by repeated sawing rhythms. We were cautious all the way, but the idea was still clear. The three orders in the intraday session accumulated more than 1000 points.

From the current daily trend structure, the overall trend is still relatively weak. In the short-term trend, it is mostly running with negative lines. The rebound action is always insufficient to change the current weak structure. Although there is a rebound in the short term, it has not been continued. The overall trend is still in a volatile downward trend. Similarly, the 4-hour downward channel remains good. After the price rebounded, it was suppressed by the downward trend line, resulting in the counterattack not being continued. The short-term short-selling defense point can be seen near 66,000. If the rebound stands above 66,000, turn around and participate. If it does not break, continue to participate with a high-altitude mindset!

Tuesday morning operation ideas

Bitcoin, short around 65,000-65,500, look at the 64,000-6300 area, if it does not break, short and long, defend 600 points.

Ether, just synchronize with the pace of Bitcoin!

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