Wednesday, Bitcoin afternoon thinking analysis and operation!

There is no invincible general in the market, but there will be continuous guides. Bitcoin publicly suggested shorting in the morning, and it did fall below 61,000, reaching a low of 60,600. The overall market is in line with our expectations.

Bitcoin continued to rise to the middle track of the daily line during Monday, and was blocked and stepped back. It closed long and led to a small Yin. According to normal conditions, after the bottom oscillation and volume breakthrough, there will be continuous buying to close the middle Yang or big Yang. This time, it only went through a high and fell market, indicating that the market demand is insufficient and there is no expected increase. Today, it continued to explore. This stepping back makes the overall structure still in the rhythm of oscillation, but the range of oscillation has changed.

After the long-term oscillation and breakthrough of the daily bottom, it entered a new oscillation mode. The daily line closed Yin after the hanging line, and the overall situation will still be weak. Today, there is still a need to step back slightly to refresh the low point, and after refreshing the low point, it may be a good buying opportunity, provided that the price fluctuates above 60,000.

The four-hour chart is more obvious. After the breakthrough, it continuously tested around 63,800, forming a false breakthrough and then fell back. The long and short shifts were fast. The market has not completely gotten rid of the weakness, indicating that the market demand is insufficient, but the low point of the short-term correction is just at the support of the lower track of the bol. If the 60,600 level fails to continue to fall, there is still hope for a reversal. Therefore, it is expected that the short-term will still be dominated by shock adjustments. The probability of breaking the low today is not high, and there may be a small rebound; you can try to arrange more in the short term near 60,600!

Operation ideas for Wednesday afternoon

Bitcoin, around 60,200-60,700, look at the 62,300 area, do not break the short-term, and defend 700 points.

Ether, just synchronize with the pace of the big cake! #币安合约锦标赛 #以太坊ETF批准预期 #非农就业数据即将公布