Will cryptocurrencies continue to fall?

From now on, we need to pay attention to the Swiss franc. As traders, we must understand that different factors affect the market at different times, so it is important to identify and take advantage of these factors. Last Friday, the market saw an interesting situation, which is the so-called flight to safety. Investors fled certain European risk assets before the weekend and moved into safer assets, usually including the US dollar and US bonds and, in some cases, the Swiss franc. Of course, gold also rebounded because it is also seen as a safe asset. US bonds are affected by many factors, such as US data or Fed speeches, and the same is true for the US dollar. But if the Swiss franc appreciates against a number of sub-currencies while US bonds and the US dollar rise, which is exactly what happened on Friday, it usually shows that this is a flight to safety. So we have to pay special attention to the Swiss franc next. I said and continue to emphasize in the internal community that the correction is not in place. If the Swiss franc does not continue to appreciate on Monday, it means that gold will not continue to rise, and this is exactly what happened yesterday, gold fell back and Bitcoin rebounded. And this morning, gold rose again and Bitcoin continued to fall. So while we didn't have to worry about European bonds or the Swiss franc a few weeks ago, we must pay attention to the Swiss franc now. This will determine whether there are more trading opportunities and whether risk aversion can continue. We don't know at the moment, so we must pay attention to the Swiss franc for clues.

The knowledge is over. Let's take a look at our internally accurately calculated 64536, which is only 29 points lower than the lowest point 64565. The needle connected to 646 has now made a profit of 1,000 points.

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