Economic model of RAM resources

EOS is the base of DAPP. When you build a project on EOS, it will consume resources, that is, RAM. Many people will say it is really troublesome when they hear this. In fact, what is consumed on other public chains is the handling fee. This is to ensure the security and efficiency of the public chain. If it is free, the public chain will soon be attacked and cannot be used.

If your project is a small game built in the early stage, RAM was very cheap at that time, and your project was also profitable. But with the increase in RAM, the profit of your small game can no longer support the RAM consumption. At this time, you can close your game, and the RAM you occupied before will be released again. It's like you bought a piece of land in the early stage of a city's development and built a food factory. With the development of the city, the profit of the food factory is not as cost-effective as renting it out. You simply close the factory and rent it out to others. Or sell it and do something more profitable. RAM is like this. You can use it for yourself or rent it out.

We hope that entrepreneurs can plan ahead so that they can be prepared for possible projects in the future. The total amount of RAM is 390g. Now part of it has been permanently occupied, part of it has been bought by everyone, and part of it is used to build a second layer for Bitcoin, leaving only about 40g.

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