"Premature loan repayment" is an important monetary phenomenon at present, and it is also the monetary phenomenon with the most negative impact on the economy.

Customers who are able to repay their loans in advance are the best customers of the bank, and their loans are the best assets of the bank. Premature loan repayment means the disappearance of the bank's high-quality assets, and it also means that the proportion of non-performing assets of the bank will increase. Because the debts repaid in advance are good debts, and the debts that cannot be repaid after the due date are non-performing debts.

The current real estate new policy, the most preferential policy is aimed at customers who have just bought their first house, but unfortunately, the demands of these customers are not to reduce the down payment ratio, or even to reduce interest rates, but to reduce house prices. Reducing interest rates and down payments may be useful for the group that repays loans in advance. From this perspective, the current policy is not appropriate.

What is more serious is that the people who are able to repay their loans in advance are also the people with the most consumption power. Their lying flat not only means credit contraction, but also consumption contraction.

Premature loan repayment is an important reason for credit contraction, and the consequence is economic contraction. Credit contraction and economic contraction are mutually causal and mutually reinforcing. It is necessary to take out the policy strength of "overcorrection" to break this negative cycle. Otherwise, for the bank's high-quality customers, early repayment is only the first step, and the next step of capital flow is more worthy of vigilance. We can no longer turn a blind eye to such a serious credit contraction. "We can't delay it. If we delay it for too long, the market's concerns will be in vain. If we don't care, we will be sad and depressed, and the things that come later will be difficult to deal with." - It has been two years since the central bank issued this cry

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