Economic calendar of events June 17-23 that can influence the crypto market.

In general, the week promises to be calm in terms of macroeconomics. Speeches by members of the US Federal Reserve are returning (important not in the moment, but for assessing the general mood in the Fed), and on Thursday there will be a real “day of central banks: data from the People’s Bank of China, the Central Bank of Switzerland, the Bank of England. The rest of the week is without major events; Wednesday is generally a day off in the USA.

The list of important events for the week is on the screenshots. Key:

Monday, June 17:

- In the morning, data on Investment in fixed assets, Volume of industrial production, and China's unemployment rate have already been released. The data for the first two are slightly worse than expected. It is important not so much for the crypto market (at least until Chinese capital enters the market through Hong Kong), but for assessing the risks of a new wave of crisis for China.

- 19:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 21:00 Astana time - Speech by US Federal Reserve member Williams (a member with “dovish” rhetoric and voting rights).

- 20:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 22:00 Astana time - Speech by US Federal Reserve member Harker (a member with dovish rhetoric and no voting rights).

- Their colleague Kashkari (“the hawk”) has already spoken out today and said that if there is a rate reduction, it will be by the end of the year.

Tuesday, June 18:

- 12:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 14:00 Astana time - Basic consumer price index and EU consumer price index. Consumer inflation is important because of the role of the euro in the formula for calculating the US Dollar Index #DXY. The forecast includes growth. While the European Central Bank has already begun to reduce the interest rate (on June 6 it reduced it from 4.5% to 4.25%). This is the ECB's "white flag". Between the depreciation of the euro and the threat of recession, they choose the former. “Dooming” BTC to further growth against the euro.

- 15:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 17:30 Astana time - Core retail sales index and Retail sales volume in the USA. Important for assessing recession and inflation risks.

- 16:15 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 18:15 Astana time - Volume of industrial production in the USA. Important for assessing recession risks.

Wednesday, June 19:

The whole day is a holiday in the USA. Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day.

- 02:50 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 04:50 Astana time - Minutes of the meeting on the monetary policy of the Bank of Japan. Important because of the role of the yen in the formula for calculating the DXY US Dollar Index.

- 09:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 11:00 Astana time - Consumer Price Index and UK Producer Price Index. Important as inflationary factors for the pound sterling. DXY included in the calculation.

- 10:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 12:30 Astana time - Assessment of the monetary policy of the Swiss National Bank. Important for the Swiss franc embedded in DXY.  

Thursday, June 20:

- 04:15 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 06:15 Astana time - Base lending rate of the People's Bank of China. 

- 10:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 12:30 Astana time - Decision of the Swiss Central Bank on the interest rate, assessment of monetary policy.

- 11:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 13:00 Astana time - Monthly report of the European Central Bank.

- 11:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 13:30 Astana time - NBS press conference. 

- 14:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 16:00 Astana time - Decision on the Bank of England interest rate. Minutes of the meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee, letter from the Bank of England on inflation.

❗️ - 15:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 17:30 Astana time - Weekly number of initial applications for unemployment benefits in the USA. The labor market is important for the US Federal Reserve's interest rate actions.

- 23:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 01:30 new day Astana time - US Federal Reserve balance sheet. They will show how things are going in the financial sector; it is important for markets to see a decline in quantitative tightening.

Friday, June 21:

- 02:30 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 04:30 Astana time - Japan's nationwide core consumer price index.

- 16:45 and 17:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 18:45 and 19:00 Astana time - Business activity index in the manufacturing sector (PMI), Index of leading economic indicators in the USA. Important for assessing the risks of a recession in the United States, the prospects for $.

- 18:00 Kyiv time and Moscow time / 20:00 Astana time - Fed report on monetary policy. Important for DXY and understanding the “machine on” perspective.