It has been a long time since I have written a post titled "The Past in the Cryptocurrency Circle". I remember that I wrote a few posts last year, all of which were about my past experiences. Some of them may have been deleted by the system. Today, although it has only been a short year, my mentality has more or less changed.

Five years ago, I had conflicts with my family and always had the idea of ​​running away from home, but I ended up going out for a walk on my own and then returning home dejected, looking very cowardly. There was no other way, if I didn't come back, I would starve to death.

Now, although I don't live with my family, I still have conflicts occasionally, and I have the idea of ​​running away from home. The result is almost the same as before, I don't go to my parents' house for ten days or half a month, but I have to go back in the end.

In the past and now, it seems that nothing has changed.

Many people say that material abundance can solve 99% of the troubles in life. I agree with this. The rest is nothing more than birth, aging, sickness and death.

But when I calm down, think about the past and compare it with the present, the remaining 1% can be more accurately described as not being understood.

For a long time I thought it was a blessing to be completely understood by others.

When I first entered the cryptocurrency world, people around me thought I was “not doing my job properly.” At that time, I was eager to make people around me understand me. I didn’t use the money I saved to eat, drink and have fun, but to change my class, to try, and to pay the “tuition fee.”

Find a class and you can earn a few thousand yuan a month without worrying about food and clothing. On the contrary, after entering the circle, you often lose money. One meal a day is the norm, and one meal every two days is not an exaggeration. The homeless in the 21st century are no more than this.

I have no complaints about this, because I chose this path myself. What is suffocating me is the lack of understanding psychologically. Physically, these are minor problems. The migrant workers on the construction site work much harder than me. I am a man of eight or nine feet tall, so a few meals of hunger is nothing.

Moreover, it seems that now, there will be a kind of "pride" mentality, just like those so-called successful people who always like to talk about the hardships before success, to express how difficult their success is, and to highlight their "ability" from the side. (Reading comprehension is finished!)

In this way, I endured the hardship day after day, and many things happened during this period, but now it seems that they are not that important.

At that time, I thought that everyone cared about money rather than people, and as long as I could do it and make money, I would be understood. But people always grow up under the constant beating of reality.

What’s different from the beginning is that the reason why I want to be understood has changed.

Before, I hoped that people around me would understand what I did, but later I hoped that people would understand that what I have is not so easy to obtain.

To put it simply, I hope that people around me understand that money doesn't fall from the sky. I can say it does, but you can't really take it as such.

However, I was still slapped in the face by reality. I was just lucky in speculation. If it were them, they could do it too. People are all the same. They can not care about what outsiders say, but when people around them say so, it is really helpless. I have to say that the old leeks in the circle should not think so.

It should be last June. My ex-wife came to see me once. She mentioned it casually on DingTalk. She knew my general financial situation at that time. Then we met once more, not alone, but with mutual friends. We had dinner together. When the dinner was almost over, her brother came to pick her up, and there was also a friend of her brother. Then we chatted for a while at the dinner table, and we definitely talked about me and the cryptocurrency world.

At first, his brother asked me how much I bought and how much I earned. My answer was the same as what I would give to relatives and friends: not much, I was lucky.

Then his brother's friend must have heard of Bitcoin, so he joined the chat as if he knew a lot. In fact, it was the same as the perception of the cryptocurrency circle by people outside the circle now. On the one hand, he said that the cryptocurrency circle was bad, and on the other hand, he said that those who bought Bitcoin got rich, and that they were really lucky and could get rich just by buying it. I could only "agree". It's not that I'm self-righteous, but I really looked at him like an idiot at that time. Besides, I didn't make a profit from Bitcoin, but from uni, sol.

Of course, I had to "take care of" them afterwards. My answer was the same as I had given to my relatives and friends: I was lucky, but it was just like stocks, I just caught a good opportunity, which is something you can only encounter by chance. Then the other party said, "Call them next time", and I could only pretend to agree. Sometimes I don't understand these people's brain circuits. It was all my luck, and they asked me to take care of a hammer. Weirdos are everywhere.

Afterwards, I added her brother on WeChat. Later, he sent me messages, and I replied perfunctorily, and then I never replied again.

Now, a year has passed. My mentality has changed a lot, so let’s start with the main text.

In a word, don't be like a dog, begging to be understood by this person and that person. Life is so tiring.

In fact, if you think about it the other way around, if everyone understands what you do, then there will be no gap between people, and there will be no class distinctions.

Don't always talk about how difficult your life was in the past. These are the necessary steps to reach a certain level of mind. No one can achieve success smoothly!

Stop. It seems to have a weird taste. This chicken soup shouldn’t be there. . .

Actually...some things heard from others and felt by yourself are completely different things.

For example, the above "chicken soup" would have sounded extremely boring in the past, but now if you ask me to describe this change in my mood, these are the words I can think of.

Yes, don't be immature if you don't want to be understood by others. Don't prove your awesomeness by saying that you have gone through hardships on your road to success. It's not easy for everyone, and you are not special.

In fact, there are many people in the circle who like to tell stories about their own rise to fame, and nine out of ten of them will contain the word "miserable".

Including myself, last year, I often shared my past, the reasons are nothing but the above-mentioned ones. This is one aspect.

Suffering is not worth singing about, nor is there any need to use suffering to prove how difficult it is.

I personally think that the only meaning of suffering is to remind ourselves to be prepared for danger in times of peace and not to forget our original intentions, that's all.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace. In 2022, I made an investment plan, and the amount of money invested in the cryptocurrency circle would not exceed a certain amount of the total funds. Whenever I was trapped or lost money and wanted to continue to go all in, I would unconsciously think about what it would be like to have no money. The amazing thing is that once I thought about these things, I could control my hands.

As for not forgetting the original intention, this is easier to understand. Entering the cryptocurrency circle is not to make money for eating, drinking, whoring and gambling, but to make the people around you live a better life. Of course, the two are not contradictory. While improving the lives of family members, individuals can do whatever they want. However, I am more "superstitious", so my private life is actually quite normal.

Finally, let’s summarize.

Don’t yearn to be understood by anyone, especially those in the cryptocurrency circle, and don’t complain about it, everything is inevitable. Secondly, if you are lucky enough to turn things around, don’t indulge yourself too much and face the future with the mentality of "when you are destined to be glorious, you should always think of being lonely."

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