6.17 ETH market analysis:

From the 1-hour chart, Ethereum is under pressure near the upper track of 3650, and continues to fall during the day. MACD short momentum continues to increase, KDJ runs downward, and it is expected to continue to pull back to support.

From the 4-hour chart, Ethereum has fallen below the middle track. At present, the short trend is relatively strong. The price should bottom out again. Wait for the retracement to continue to enter the market to take more. For specific details, you can find me to chat privately. Real-time guidance: btc0796

ETH operation suggestions:

Take more when it falls back to around 3450-3500, target 3600-3730, stop loss 3420

It is easy to be affected by emotions when dealing with the market alone, resulting in a long-term situation of more losses and less gains. Friends who are not ideal in operation and can't find a direction can consult on the bus.

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