Not everyone can master the madness and emotions in the Crypto market

October 2023 - October 2024: The period when it is easy to lose goods, is also the period when we collect goods most strongly. Say no to Margin and Future.. at the end of this period, whoever can still keep the goods deserves to reap the sweet fruits.

Remember the 2020 season after creating a bottom in March 2020: BNB: 6.3$, ETH: 86$, BTC: 3.7k, how many people who played Crypto had their accounts burned, and lost goods?

By March 2021:

BNB: 691$ --> Increased 100 times

ETH: 4k6 --> increased 53 times

BTC: 66k --> increased 18 times

And there are many numbers that increased 50 - 100 times, my account also has many numbers that increased 20 - 50 times.

11/2024 - 11/2025: will be my closing period. I will bet on the same cycle as 2020 - 2021. If you believe the 4-year cycle in Crypto will repeat, you will act as I say.

P/S: The opportunity to change your life situation is only a few months away. Waiting 3 years to choose a time to change positions is easy to say, but controlling emotions and not losing goods in the current period is not easy at all for newbies.