According to CoinDesk, Farworld Labs, a gaming company native to Farcaster, has successfully closed a pre-seed funding round of $1.75 million. The round was co-led by Lemniscap and Variant. The funding will be used to speed up the rollout of the company's upcoming Q3 releases. This includes the much-awaited launch of the Farcade platform, which is being developed in collaboration with top-tier studios and developers. The Farcade platform, built on decentralized social media protocols, will provide developers with a suite of tools to create crypto-native games that can be integrated with onchain social. This will make the games instantly playable within social media feeds with a single click.

In other news, the Celo Foundation has announced significant changes in its senior leadership. Eric Nakagawa has been appointed as the new Executive Director of the Celo Foundation. In his new role, Nakagawa will work closely with Rene Reinsberg to manage the Foundation’s daily operations. Isha Varshney, previously the head of DeFi, has transitioned to the role of head of Ecosystem. Varshney will be responsible for overseeing projects being built on Celo and will lead business development efforts with both Web2 and Web3 firms. Additionally, Sophia Dew has joined the Celo Foundation as the developer relations lead. She will provide support to builders developing on the emerging Ethereum L2.